Friday, October 30, 2009

Ode to the Apple

I watched a gull eat an apple this morning in the Bed Bath & Beyone parking lot.   When I first noticed it, I felt happy that it was eating something healthy.  Having lived at the shore virtually my entire life, I've seen many a gulls eating garbage, both literally and figuratively.  Then I thought, how sad, because this gull was eating a much healthier breakfast than a good portion of the children in our world.  An apple.

I often bring a gigantic bowl of apples to health expos where I have a table to offer people my services.  Along with the bowl, I have a poster with an apple in the background of a hundred or so ingredients listed.  This is only a partial list.  In one apple, there are vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, many of which are still unnamed and unknown--all of them working together magically to deliver a powerful dose of health to the fortunate being eating it.  An apple.

People don't realize that a simple addition of one apple a day, honestly, can improve our health greatly, especially if one is not prone to eating fruits and vegetables regularly.  It's a good way to start a day and to start the path toward eating a more healthful diet. 'Tis the season they're at their best--freshly harvested and in a variety of colors, sizes, and flavors. Nature's candy.  There's bound to be a least one that fits your tastes.  An apple.

Go for it.

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